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Statistics module


The statistics module provides an API for getting structured data out of the data ocean of the MedUX database. There are many things you want to know about your patients in a structured manner, and this module should fulfill this demand.

User stories

  • How many (living) patients are in the database with Diabetes mellitus type 2, having an HbA1c above 8.0?
  • How many patients (and which?) are currently having Pantoprazol as medication?
  • Get a list of patients who are in a special treatment program
  • How many patients have more than 8 drugs?
  • Which patients are taking Ginkgo preparations (for filtering that patients and calling them to not take them in any more…)
  • etc.
en/dev/modules/statistics.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/29 10:20 by nerdoc