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How to write a new module

As there is no code at the moment, there is still no information available how to actually write a module. But at least it is avaliable how to write documentation/drafts for a module, as you can see below.

Write documentation

Add a new page for the module here to wiki. Modules each have their own namespace, because each module can be very different to others, so it's better to keep them separated. So e.g. the base description of the Core is located at en:dev:modules:core. All pages that belong to the core module are in the en:dev:modules:core: namespace.

  • Every module should provide information about dependencies to other modules, a detailed (technical) description what is the purpose of the module, which responsibilities it has and how it is structured.
  • Every module has a draft page, where considerations and software design happens in the first place. For e.g. the core module this is en:dev:modules:core:draft.
  • A spec link should point to a page where all the technical information is assembled, everything you need to understand the module.
  • The page should also contain a link to the API of the module, which should be available automatically after the code is properly documented using sphinx/epydoc.

FIXME Maybe Spec/API should be together, using Sphinx…

If you set up a new module page (by creating the new page en:dev:modules:mymodule), it is created using a template and prefilled with the above links as far as possible. The stub tag is automatically applied to the new page to indicate that it is far from complete. If you have completed the page, please remove the stub tag from the page.

en/dev/howto/module.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/16 13:22 by nerdoc