{{tag>module stub}} ====== @!PAGE@ module ====== Dependencies: [[en:dev:modules:core]] /*, [[en:dev:modules:foo]], ... */ ===== Description ===== /* Please provide a meaningful description for the module here. - What is the purpose of the module? - What does it provide? */ ===== User stories ===== /* Write user stories here. They are written from the point of view of a person using MedUX, and written in the language that a user would use (=non-technical). - What could be a situation where a user needs this module? Be precise here, use real-world examples. - Try to list common use cases, and corner cases as well. */ ===== Links ===== * [[en:dev:modules:@PAGE@:draft|Draft]] * [[en:dev:modules:@PAGE@:spec|Specification]] * [[please-include-here-the-link-to-the-API|API]]