====== Tasks module ====== Dependencies: [[en:dev:modules:core]] /*, [[en:dev:modules:foo]], ... */ ===== Description ===== In a GP's practice, there are often tasks to do that are delegated from the doctor to its helpers, or written down on sheets for to-be-done-later. These tasks are often related to a patient, or a device, a list etc. So it is convenient to have it in the EMR system as well. ===== User stories ===== * The doctor wants a blood sample of Patient A, and sends him to his laboratory (next room), where a nurse takes the blood sample. * Patient B needs to be checked for liver enzymes every 3 months * Patient C needs to be checked for Haemoglobin in 3 months (once). * A Maintenance task has to be done every year for the blood sample device. ===== Links ===== * [[en:dev:modules:tasks:draft|Draft]] * [[en:dev:modules:tasks:spec|Specification]] * [[please-include-here-the-link-to-the-API|API]] {{tag>module}}