Provides an updateable list of drugs. Considerations: * "Arzneimittelspezialität" or generic drug names (ATC code, active agent) * submodule for Austria: ABS ====== Prescription ====== * Distinguishes between private prescriptions ("Privatrezept") and insurance backed prescriptions ("Kassenrezept"). * Possible to add patient's medication without prescribing it (and printing it) * Calculations: * with the chosen prescription (package size, intake pattern), how long does the patient get along? 5 days? 21 days? * Is there a gap between the last intake end and the current prescription (patient did not have medication for a few days? or does it overlap (patient should have more of this med. at home. Especially at dependance creating drugs!) ====== Views ====== Fields are: drug name, active substance, vendor, package size, intake pattern, last time prescripted at ===== Long-term medication ===== Here should go the medication that the patient needs on a regular basis. ===== Reliever medication ===== Additionally, Patients could be allowed to get other medication without actually seeing the doctor, like some pain killers, etc.) {{tag>stub}}